KHE402 |
Human Kinectics and Recreation for Physically Handicapped Children |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Human Kinetics and Health Education |
ARA414 |
Advanced Arabic Creative Writing |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
KHE438 |
Emergency Care and first Aid in Sports |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Human Kinetics and Health Education |
LIS411 |
Library Architecture |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Library and Information Science |
ARA413 |
Arabic Grammar IV |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
ENG419 |
African Literature and Gender |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
IGB431 |
Stylistics II |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
AEM450 |
Agricultural Finance & Marketing |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
AEM458 |
Extension Strategies Inpilot Rural |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
AGB404 |
Bio Resources Managemment |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
HCM444 |
Global tourism Issues |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
BED416 |
office Organization and Management |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Arts and Social Sciences Education |
CIT478 |
Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Computer Science |
BUS428 |
Business Policy and Strategy II |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS424 |
Organizational Theory |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS406 |
Analysis For Business Decisions |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Business Administration |
MKT402 |
Marketing of Financial Services |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Business Administration |
CLL432 |
Law of Banking and Insurance II |
4 |
400 |
2 |
Commercial Law |
CIT412 |
Modelling and Simulation |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Computer Science |
DAM462 |
Agricultural Data Systems |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CIT484 |
Website Design and Programming |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Computer Science |
HCM432 |
Hospitality Information Systems |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
HCM434 |
Lodging Facilities Management |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
HCM436 |
Internal Control In Hospitality Adm |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
HCM438 |
Hospitality Supervision & Quality M |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
HCM442 |
tourism Entrepreneurship |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Agricultural Economics and Extension |
CSS462 |
Criminology II |
4 |
400 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
ECE410 |
Issues In Early Childhood and Prima |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ECO454 |
Applied Econometrics II |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO452 |
Applied Statistics |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO448 |
Economic Planning II |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO444 |
Money and Banking |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO442 |
Advanced Macro Economics |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO440 |
Taxation and Fiscal Policy |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Economics |
PED420 |
Social Psychology of Instruction |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
PED422 |
Behaviour Problems and The Primary |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
PED430 |
Design and Production of Learning M |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDU412 |
Principles of Educational Managemen |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ECE412 |
Management of Early Childhood Educa |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
CIT474 |
Introduction to Expert Systems |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CIT432 |
Software Engineering II |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CSS452 |
Victims of Crime and Human Rights V |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
CSS442 |
Professional Ethics In Law Enforcem |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
ESM426 |
Biogeography |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Environmental Science |
ENT402 |
Management of Creativity and Innova |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
ESM424 |
Fresh Water Ecology |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Environmental Science |
ESM444 |
Industrial Wastes and Industrial Wa |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Environmental Science |
ESM428 |
Ecology of Natural Resources |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Environmental Science |
ACC426 |
International Accounting |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
PED412 |
Organization and Administration of |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
PED410 |
Management of Childhood Institution |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDU426 |
Special Education |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ECE422 |
The School Environment and The Chil |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ACC418 |
Public Sector Accounting and Financ |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
ENT410 |
Corporate Development: Mergers and |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
CRD430 |
Cooperatives Extension |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENT408 |
Entrepreneurship and Gender Issues |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
ESM422 |
Resource Evaluation |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Environmental Science |
CRD422 |
Social Processes and Comparative Ru |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
BFN402 |
Marketing of Financial Services |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
ENT428 |
Small Business Management |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
MAC414 |
Science & Technology Reporting |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
MAC416 |
Sociology of Mass Communication |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
MAC412 |
Media Management |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
MAC424 |
International Advertising and Propa |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
FRE422 |
Advanced Studies In French Language |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
MAC444 |
Broadcast Commentary & Announcing |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
FRE472 |
Francophone Literature (pre and Pos |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG426 |
Twentieth Century English Literatur |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG432 |
Pragmatics |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG434 |
Literary Stylistics |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG454 |
Multilingualism |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
FRE482 |
20th Century French Literature |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG414 |
Speech Writing |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG416 |
Creative Writing IIi |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Languages |
VTE414 |
Vocational Guidance |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Human Kinetics and Health Education |
ENT414 |
Venture Creation and Growth |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
MAC428 |
Integrated Marketing Communication |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
MAC442 |
Advanced Broadcast News/programme P |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
MTH402 |
General topology II |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mathematics |
MTH422 |
Partial Defferential Equation |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mathematics |
MTH412 |
Functional Analysis II |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Mathematics |
NSC416 |
Public-community Health Nursing II |
4 |
400 |
2 |
Nursing Science |
NSC412 |
Mental Health And Psychiatric Nursi |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Nursing Science |
INR482 |
Russia In World Politics |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
NSC402 |
Medical Surgical Nursing Iv |
4 |
400 |
2 |
Nursing Science |
POL412 |
Political Sociology |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
INR432 |
Afro-asia Relations |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
POL422 |
Revolution and Society |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
POL424 |
Political Parties & Pressure Groups |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
INR422 |
International Institutions |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
INR412 |
Foreign Policies of Great Powers |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
PCR422 |
Globalization and Peace |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution |
PCR424 |
Governance International Law and Fu |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution |
NSC316 |
Public-community Health Nursing I |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Nursing Science |
PPL422 |
Land Law II |
4 |
400 |
2 |
Private and Property Law |
INR452 |
Energy Diplomacy and Oil Politics |
2 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
POL452 |
International Law & Organization |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
POL444 |
Nigerian Local Government |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |
POL432 |
Government & Administration of Urba |
3 |
400 |
2 |
Political Science |