CRS835 |
Islam and State |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
PUL.804 |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Public Law |
CRS863 |
Christian Ethics in contemporary Nigeria Society |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
CRS856 |
Conflict Management |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
CRS836 |
Ecclesiology |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
CRS824 |
New Testament Theology |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
CRS850 |
Pastoral Theology |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
JIL808 |
International Law of the Sea II |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Jurisprudence and International Law |
JIL807 |
International Law of the Sea I |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Jurisprudence and International Law |
CRS810 |
Current Trends in Old Testament |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Religious Studies |
CLL804 |
Business and Company Law |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Commercial Law |
CIT854 |
Network Design and Programming |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Computer Science |
MKT826 |
Marketing Management and Strategy |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
MBA814 |
Introduction to General Management |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS810 |
Comparative Management |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS818 |
Rewards and Compensation Management |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS898 |
Business Policy |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS804 |
Strategy and Structure |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
BUS800 |
Quantitative Analysis |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
MBA816 |
Quantitative Method For Management |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
MBA806 |
Human Resources Management |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
MBA820 |
Corporate Management Strategy |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Business Administration |
CSS808 |
Advanced Cybercrimes and Cyber Security |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
EDA842 |
Appl. of Managementinfor. Systems |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA844 |
Educational Statistics For Educatio |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA822 |
Supervision of Instructions In Educ |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA832 |
Economics of Education |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ECO828 |
Economy and Industrial Analysis |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO802 |
Economic Theory |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Economics |
ECO824 |
Managerial Economics |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Economics |
CSS804 |
Social Policy Juvenile Delinquency and Criminal Ju |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
CSS810 |
Cybercrime and Forensic Investigation |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
CSS812 |
Cybercrimes |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
CSS830 |
Victimology and Crime Statistics |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Criminology and Security Studies |
CIT802 |
Technical Report Writing |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CIT832 |
Operating Systems Concepts and Netw |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CIT834 |
Object-oriented Programming Using C |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CIT844 |
Advanced Database Management System |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Computer Science |
CIT852 |
Data Communication and Networks |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Computer Science |
EDT830 |
Multimediatechnology Inteaching A |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDT812 |
Management ofeducational Resources |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ENT804 |
Biographical studies of entrepreneurial thinkers and giants |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENT822 |
Social and cultural change Entrepreneurship |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
EGC804 |
Techniques of Counselling |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EGC806 |
Organization and Administration of |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EGC812 |
Behaviour Modification |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDU822 |
Advanced Educationalpsychology |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EGC802 |
Counselling Theories |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA854 |
Legal Aspects of Educational Admini |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA856 |
Problems and Issues In Higher Educa |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA834 |
Budgeting and Financial Management |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDU808 |
Mathematics Curriculum & Instructio |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDT834 |
Instructional Radioand Television |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDT832 |
Preparation utilization &integrat |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
EDA852 |
Politics of Education |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Educational Foundations |
ENT826 |
Cooperative entrepreneurship |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENG816 |
Comparative Literature (LIT. IN ENG. Option) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG818 |
Modern British Literature (LIT. IN ENG. And COMP. LIT. Specializations) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG820 |
Linguistics and the Study of Literature (COMP. LIT. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG822 |
American Literature (LIT. IN ENG. Option) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG801 |
Special Subject (LIT. IN ENG. And COMP. LIT. Specializations) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ACC812 |
Introduction to Accounting |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
BFN852 |
Public Financial Management |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Financial Studies |
ENT834 |
Edupreneurship |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENT824 |
Leadership and management for entrepreneurs |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENT828 |
Techniques in Development project Planning for Entrepreneurs |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENT830 |
Disciplined inquiry in entrepreneurship Learning Tour Experience |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENT832 |
Creativity innovation and Technology in enterprises |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENG834 |
Advanced English Stylistics (Eng. Lang. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG814 |
Studies in Oral Literature (LIT. IN ENG. And COMP. LIT. Specializations) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG812 |
Contrastive Linguistics (ENG. LANG. Option) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG826 |
American Literature (COMP. LIT. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
JLS842 |
Introduction to Web Publishing |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
ENG836 |
Semiotics (ENG. LANG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG872 |
Comparative Studies in Poetry (COMP. LIT. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG882 |
Comparative Studies in Fiction (COMP. LIT. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG891 |
Psycholinguistics (ENG. LANG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG852 |
Advanced Discourse Analysis (ENG. LANG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG854 |
The English Language in Nigeria (ENG. LANG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG856 |
Sociolinguistics (ENG. LANG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG858 |
English as a Second Language (ENG. LANG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG861 |
Studies in Written African Drama (LIT. IN ENG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG862 |
Comparative Studies in Drama (COMP. LIT. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG871 |
Studies in Written African Poetry (LIT. IN ENG. Specialization) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
ENG824 |
Commonwealth Literature (LIT. IN ENG. And COMP. LIT. Specializations) |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Languages |
PAD870 |
Local Government Administration |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
PAD856 |
Urban and Regional Planning |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
MPA810 |
Public Policy Analysis |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
MPA812 |
Intergovernmental Relations (igr) |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
MPA854 |
Public Enterprises Management |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
MPA856 |
Urban and Regional Planning |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
MPA858 |
Development Planning Project Prepa |
2 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
MPA868 |
Comparative Public Administration |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Public Administration |
PCR812 |
Political Economy of Peace-buildin |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution |
PCR822 |
International Law and Peace |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution |
PCR872 |
Research Methods In Peace and Confl |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution |
PCR810 |
International Law and Peace |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution |
JLS812 |
Media Law and Ethics |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
JLS814 |
Communication Research |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Mass Communication |
JLS822 |
Publication Layout and Design |
3 |
800 |
2 |
Mass Communication |